The Galápagos Islands - Part 1

BY: Christopher Scott Carpenter


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As a media practitioner, I am passionate about the intersection between storytelling and education. Having produced and directed a series of documentaries in India that informed the adoption of education reform policies in crucial areas within the country, I experienced firsthand the positive impact possible when media is utilized to illuminate, empower, and expand. When I visited the Galápagos, I connected with the ecosystem through photography. I found moments of curiosity, love, community, despair, and contention amongst the magnificent animals that inhabit these islands. By minting these photographic moments as NFTs, I hope to assist the efforts of the International Galápagos Tour Operators Association in their pursuit of providing education, so crucial to the understanding and stewardship of the magical landscapes of the islands, through the form of a public library to the communities of the Galápagos’s largest island, Santa Cruz. Education empowers, informs, and creates a symbiosis that further enables the humans of the Galápagos to protect, share, and champion the other species that surround them. Please join me in supporting this important effort. A full 40% of net profits will be donated to this organization, with proof of donation to be sent to all collectors.

Darwin’s (Galápagos) F...

Darwin’s (Galápagos) Finch

Sally Lightfoot Crabs

Sally Lightfoot Crabs

Galápagos Tortoise

Galápagos Tortoise

Flightless Cormorant

Flightless Cormorant

Galápagos Land Iguana

Galápagos Land Iguana

Blue-Footed Booby



Blue-Footed Booby

Galápagos Sea Lion

Galápagos Sea Lion