Genesis 8 Collection



Featured Artists:


In the Chinese language, the pronunciation of the number 8, “ba,” is very similar to that of the word prosper, “fa,” making the number 8 the most auspicious of all the numbers. For the Genesis 8 series, we asked our 8 artists to express what Gold Dust is for them through the filter of their artistic vision, style, and techniques. For some, it evokes nostalgia and remembrance. For others, it’s the primal spark of creation and nature. For us, Gold Dust is something very special. Every object, and by extension every person, possesses inherent worth as well as the innate potential to metamorphose into something far greater than its present state. “Some years ago at an auction of Old World artifacts, I witnessed the sale of empty canvas sacks selling solely by weight. It baffled me that anyone would pay substantial sums for empty bags hundreds of years old and I inquired further. I then discovered these nondescript canvas sacks had once been used to transport immense quantities of gold. While the sacks were now empty significant quantities of gold dust still remained, filling the crevices and folds in the cloth. By practical alchemy, this precious residue had transformed otherwise mundane objects into coveted pieces of considerable worth,” Mint Gold Dust Founder, Kelly LeValley Hunt. Mint Gold Dust is a place, somewhere in the universe, where all creators find a home and a chance to perpetuate their legacy. Everyone has their Gold Dust, everyone carries an aura of magic, and you are part of that yourself. “The works that our Genesis 8 artists created are very special because they speak about the most intimate values of each artist as humans,” said Eleonora Brizi, Mint Gold Dust Curator. “Each artist was inspired by the essence of creativity and wonder, resulting in deeply intimate and unique pieces. Throughout the process, it was important for us to establish deep and meaningful relationships with each artist, a crucial part of Mint Gold Dust’s mission.”


In a moment of growth, I watched you sit and birth the most beautiful of spirits, It was you and your hope. In a moment of hurt, you were so still and alone, I watched your spirit try, again and again, your hurt was stretching glass, these beings we...





“We have a jar we keep of all the remains of the art materials we have used to create Hackatao's pieces. Pencil nubs, graphite, all are saved in a big jar. To us, this is our Gold Dust, the remnants and physical manifestation of the intangible experi...




Space in Touch

Moment of connection where intricacies ignite a gravitational pull towards center. 9940x6461px




The Butterfly Lovers

Artist: Lily Honglei Medium: Oil paintings on paper, digital animation, soundtrack Duration: 3’29” Uniquely composed with a series of original oil paintings, “The Butterfly Lovers” is an iconic artwork created by Lily Honglei, an award-winning Asian...




Ritual Nature (Mount Mitchell)

Venturing into nature, I find my own nature. In the stillness of these sculptural portraits, there exists a part of me and a part of the forests, inextricably intertwined as Observer and Observed. The act of image-making is a personal, performative...




Transformation at the Gates of Eternity

The artwork expresses a duality between denotative and connotative messages to create a sense of tension.




Anatomie d'Une Poussière d'Or

(Anatomy of a Gold Dust) Genesis Artwork for Mint Gold Dust x Lapin Mignon Anatomie d'Une Poussière d'Or is my very own interpretation of Gold Dust. It shines, it explodes with dreams and hopes, it sparkles with joy, while being delicate and ethere...


Lapin Mignon


Mysterious Value

Memories call out from the grave of history Thousands of coins now worthless Memories of secrets and allies now gone Grind them down, Melt them Take their memories and retrain them With love Find their worth and mint them again The dust of memory pas...


