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V4W.ENKO is an alias of Eugene Vashchenko dedicated to the algorithmic media art scene. Media composition since 2007. Architect in Max/msp/jitter/m4l, PD, Grasshopper3d, p5js, NFT creator. Sound and visual streams are being realized in realtime by manipulating of self programmed algorithms. "Self-made synths of my own production always accompany me". Physically Exhibited: Ars-Electronica, CynetArt, Mutek, Kvitnu, NextSound, FIBER, Arsenal. NFT related exhibitions and spots : NFT Show Europe, Refraction, NFC Lisbon, MESHfair (Decentraland), Digital Dreams

The cross-connections of Digital Nature Abstraction are giving the balance to the composition of time

June 14

Microwave models of micro sound waves as the movement behaviors of arrays

April 29

Connecting color with the knowledge of music frequency harmony

April 29

Extracting abstract component of Digital Nature Abstraction to recreate Layered Algorithmic composition

April 29

Sliders of desires as cells of DNA - the Digital Nature Abstraction

April 4

"Microscopic cells of Desire are orienting Sliders according to the Digital Nature Abstraction"

April 4

"cells of desire are forming the dna of abstract space through sliders"

April 3

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