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V4W.ENKO is an alias of Eugene Vashchenko dedicated to the algorithmic media art scene. Media composition since 2007. Architect in Max/msp/jitter/m4l, PD, Grasshopper3d, p5js, NFT creator. Sound and visual streams are being realized in realtime by manipulating of self programmed algorithms. "Self-made synths of my own production always accompany me". Physically Exhibited: Ars-Electronica, CynetArt, Mutek, Kvitnu, NextSound, FIBER, Arsenal. NFT related exhibitions and spots : NFT Show Europe, Refraction, NFC Lisbon, MESHfair (Decentraland), Digital Dreams
“The cross-connections of Digital Nature Abstraction are giving the balance to the composition of time”
June 14
“Microwave models of micro sound waves as the movement behaviors of arrays ”
April 29
“Connecting color with the knowledge of music frequency harmony”
April 29
“Extracting abstract component of Digital Nature Abstraction to recreate Layered Algorithmic composition ”
April 29
“Sliders of desires as cells of DNA - the Digital Nature Abstraction”
April 4
“"Microscopic cells of Desire are orienting Sliders according to the Digital Nature Abstraction" ”
April 4
“"cells of desire are forming the dna of abstract space through sliders"”
April 3