As we welcome each new year, our optimism is put to the test. We bring in fresh dreams, make commitments, hold onto hope, and think about what it is we desire. Despite the challenges that come with cold weather and slippery roads, we keep pushing forward. Sometimes we stumble and fall, but there is something about our desires and aspirations that drives us through life’s obstacles. 

Yet, it is not just the dream itself that matters, but also the outcome. Do we achieve our goals or are we forced to change course? And when we experience tremendous success or failure, how do we move forward and embrace what lies ahead? 

This exhibition, “A JPEG Called Desire,” is a captivating journey that explores the complexities of human desires and expectations. It delves deep into our innermost hopes, aspirations, and emotions. It invites us to reflect on our desires and expectations for ourselves and others. Through this exploration, we are given the opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be human. So as we embark on another year full of possibilities, let us embrace this transformative voyage that will challenge us, inspire us, and ultimately shape who we are, and who we want to become.

“There’s this push/pull between how you want to be seen, so ‘Blind Clarity’ is a continuation of trying to figure out who I am as a person, not as an artist, not as a restaurateur. How do I find my inner vision, my intuition, my insight?”

-4everKurious on “Blind Clarity”

“I’m not very good at responding to things quickly, I’ve never been particularly worried about being on trend or anything like that. But I have found recently that I’ve wanted to express more based on my recent experiences, not just thinking to decades past.”

-DefiantSquid on “Je vais bien, tu vas bien”

“The construction of the piece is about embracing imperfections that lie in the unique. And it’s about the idiosyncrasies that shine, and celebrating the unconventional aspects of our humanity. Each figure is overreaching to connect, and there’s this sense of yearning for understanding, longing for the depths of connectivity in our digitized world.”

– KEZIAI on “Reaching You”

“Desire is a more intense version of hope, it keeps us going and alive. For the piece I created, I exaggerated my favorite place, nature to emphasize my intense feelings for it.”

– QuantumSpirit on “Under Calm”

“When I think of desire, I think about it in layers. The first layer is desire. Then the next layer is the thinking process, what we do after this desire is generated. And then we think about technologies, philosophies, and this creates the next layer.”

– V4W.ENKO on “Layered Algorithmic Abstraction #177”

“In a sea of emptiness and silence, a black circle reigns, majestic and unmistakable. Its darkness draws the viewer in, pulling them into a world full of secrets and possibilities. This artwork exudes an aura of infinity, a vision that transcends the tangible.

The circle symbolizes unity and perfection; it is the universal symbol of harmony and balance. In its simplicity lies a message of eternity and steadfastness. It is a call to inner reflection, to the search for the essence of being.”

– Tim Tobias Jakob on “Schwarzer Kreis_03”

“We’re all dealing with life, we’re all dealing with our feelings, we’re all dealing with our everyday challenges, with pain, with mental health, struggles with finances, relationships, everything. And we all have moments where we can’t be positive, and we can’t be 100% optimistic and ready to go at all times, so for it’s more about being in the present, living in the now, and being in a state of flow, just recognizing where your mindset is at.”

– Rakkaus Art on “Aspirational Echoes”

“I love the connection between crypto and gold, and gold rushes, and these moments of enthusiasm and excitement around the possibility for profits, but also like fame and fortune. It’s very much wrapped up in the American Dream, but of course that’s not just America or Americana, it applies to so many different people all over the world.”

– jonCates on “Francisco López, The Secrets of Glitch”

In a world full of uncertainties, our desires and expectations play a crucial role in shaping our journey through life. Through the thought-provoking pieces in this exhibition, we are reminded to never stop pursuing our dreams, even when faced with obstacles. As we reflect on our own hopes and aspirations, may we also learn to embrace the unexpected twists and turns that come along the way. Let us allow this exhibition to guide us towards personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of what truly drives us as humans. So let the journey begin, and may we emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before. Together, let’s embrace our desires and expectations with open arms and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. 

Listen to the full conversation with the artists here.